Tuesday 16 December 2008

The Knife of Never Letting Go by Patrick Ness

My Review on The Knife Of Never Letting Go.

This book, by Patrick Ness, is a gripping novel that is unpredictable in many ways. The main characters are Ben, Viola, Cillian, Manchee and Todd. It is about a boy, Todd, who is the last boy in Prentisstown (they are all men). There are no women, killed by the noise germ that made all the men able to read each other’s thoughts. But one day, when it is only a month until his birthday, he stumbles on a place in Prentisstown where there is no noise. This is impossible though, thinks Todd and he goes and tells Ben. Suddenly Todd, Manchee and Viola, the girl who has silence, plunge into an adventure which is about the choices of adulthood. He also finds why there are women in other places, even though there is the noise germ, why the noise germ is there and about his companion, Viola.

I think that overall this book is a great read with some quite touching parts.

James Yr7


freeezing flame said...

cool i think i might read it

freeezing flame said...

I recomend the spooks books if you like vampirats and books with mythical beasts {not things with unicorns}

freeezing flame said...

Skuldugery pleasent is very good
im in the middle of reading it.